طيف عابر: The good beyond the pandemic -->

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The good beyond the pandemicWhy have I decided to take the Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program

I have been working for my current company for 7 years, Where I was able to make a lot of achievements and save money. And While I was looking forward for more achievements and progress, In the beginning of 2020, The pandemic shocked the world and there were a lot of people losing their jobs due to it. 

Thanks God, I feel I am luckily because my company was able to deal with that situation and I still keeping my job, salary and I still able to feed my family.

But I was asking myself: What if I wasn’t luckily enough during that hard times? What if my company wasn’t able to deal with that situation? What if I found myself suddenly losing my job due to any reasons? and others questions which I was looking for an answer for all of them.

Again I was luckily, Thanks God, I found the answer in starting learning again, starting gain the skills which could help me if I face that situation.

I actually starting looking for the real protection, I was looking for the Knowledge.

So I starting browsing the internet looking about a program fits to me and I was able to hunt that chance to join one of the most attractive and needed program nowadays, It was the Digital Marketing nanodegree program on Udacity website, where I gain a lot of knowledge, skills.

What most thing I like is it’s totally on-line, Flexible and practical where I am able to use my knowledge and test it during the program. That's why I find something good beyond the pandemic. Now I am looking to finish my

degree and to start whether my own business or freelancer.



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