طيف عابر: It`s the time -->

نرحب بانضمامك لمجتمع "طيف عابر" ضع بريدك وسيصلك كل ماهو مفيد لك ولأسرتك إن شاء الله:
ستصلك على الفور رسالة ترحيبية بها رابط الرجاء التكرم بالضغط عليه لتفعيل اشتراكك

The times we shared together
Always meant so much to me.

You put love in my heart
And you set my soul free.

Sometimes I think
Maybe I took it for granted,
For whenever you were near

My life seemed so enchanted.I'm sorry that we lost touch,
And I hope that we can find The connection we once had

That somehow got left behind.I just want you to know That it's true, I still care.
Finding someone like you is most certainly rare.

I hope you'll please consider
That it would be a dream come true,
If perhaps, just maybe,

I could hear something back from you

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