طيف عابر: Just a Story -->

نرحب بانضمامك لمجتمع "طيف عابر" ضع بريدك وسيصلك كل ماهو مفيد لك ولأسرتك إن شاء الله:
ستصلك على الفور رسالة ترحيبية بها رابط الرجاء التكرم بالضغط عليه لتفعيل اشتراكك

after the unbelievable and savage attack from the Israeli vampires

I think it's now time to bring back Gaza
to rebuild it

though it may be so difficult to bring things back to what they were before the bloody massacre

specially FOR those innocent people who were killed with cold blood and without humanity

but I think at least we should really try to rebuild and reform what they damaged


is it really fair to pay for what others damage?

shouldn't Israel be demanded to pay for the crimes it committed??

who are the real terrorists


or those

it's up

to you to decide

but try to look at things with neutral view

and from logical point of view

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