طيف عابر: Goha -->

نرحب بانضمامك لمجتمع "طيف عابر" ضع بريدك وسيصلك كل ماهو مفيد لك ولأسرتك إن شاء الله:
ستصلك على الفور رسالة ترحيبية بها رابط الرجاء التكرم بالضغط عليه لتفعيل اشتراكك
Today I want to offer you a new discussion to enrich both our vocabularies and general knowledge as learning English is not only a high paying job but it is also a means to learn new culture and new lifestyle from others.

                    image Source

One of the most important thing to people around the word is their own Folklore.

There are two suggested scenarios:

 1- Tell us about your popular Folk Story and ask us what we think about the beneficial effect of the story ?  That is my preferred Scenario
 2- Tell us about your popular Folk Story and the lesson or benefit that we can get from it. 

Here's my sample:


Goha is one of the folk persons here in my Country Egypt. He came from the ancient who plays a big role in our modern life : ) 

Goha had a rich life with wise and funny situations.
His stories will let you die from giggling at the same time learn from it.

Goha and the People's Speech (Our story) 

Image source    

It is said that one day , Goha and his son were riding a donkey .

When people saw them .. they uttered in dismay "What a pity ! Look at Goha and his son , how come they are riding this poor Donkey ?"

When Goha heard that he directly ordered his son to walk beside the Donkey while he was riding the donkey.. 

While they were walking, some bystanders noticed them and Goha heard them saying : "What a pity boy ! .His Dad is riding the donkey while letting the younger boy walk beside them. 

So Goha decided to walk with his son beside the donkey .

When Goha and his Son were walking beside the donkey , they passed some people who were giggling and said, "Look at those crazy men , he and his son are walking beside the donkey and leaving it alone .

Finally, upon hearing the laughter, Goha decided to carry the donkey on their shoulders.

ha ha ha .

                Your challenge : What do you think is the aim of the story?

Don't hesitate to  share your culture in myEC by telling us about your country's folklore

Especial Thanks for :

                        Anele for her Support                                .


2 تعليق على"Goha"

  • la plus belle chose que j'ai lu

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    y 2 ejercicios de "ultima generacin" que va a chupar libras de su vientre, los muslos, las caderas y las nalgas.

إرسال تعليق

( مَا يَلْفِظُ مِن قَوْلٍ إِلا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ )

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